How to Add Warmth, Color & Texture to Your Advertisements© 2004 Jai Johnson
"…A powerful agent is
right word…" --Mark Twain
And what true words those are! Your marketing efforts have
ability to succeed…or to fail…based on
words you choose to represent your products, services, and yourself in your ads.
You have
ability to choose any words you desire. The problem is, sometimes, we draw a blank. Our minds seem amiss of anything creative to say. This is when a diverse collection of pre-written phrases, designed to bring miraculous changes to your ads, comes in handy.
A collection of pre-written phrases, which you can drop right into your ad text, offers a lot of magic, a good deal of choices, and an incredible journey through words which develop warmth, color, and add texture to your ads. With pre-written buzz-word phrases, you can bring your ad to life - immediately.
So how do you come up with these phrases and buzz words?
Step one is to become aware of every advertisement you're exposed to, whether it be on television, in a newspaper, in email, or in a magazine. Just pay attention and study those ads.
Step two involves gathering your pre-written phrases. Write down words which make an impact on you. Make a notebook, or a computer document, and as you are exposed to
ads around you, jot down those phrases and buzz words. Here's some phrases and words I jotted down recently:
Accept nothing but
best Because you're worth it Consider it a gift from you…to you
The third step is to take these phrases and integrate them into your ads. The best way to do this is work with an ad which you've already written. How much impact does it have? How much sparkle and pizzaz does it possess? Does your already-written ad grab your attention? If
answer is NO, then it's time to input some marketing miracle phrases - sprinkle them about your ad, pick some from your list which fit with your product or service - and revise.